A Brief History of the Domain Name

First… What is a domain name?
For a quick definition, a domain name is a web address that you register with an approved domain registrar. The registrar will give you an account where you can point your domain name to your hosting plan (the place where you upload your web site files) via DNS and what are called IP addresses or nameservers. Once pointed to your hosting plan, when someone puts your domain name in the address bar of a web browser, behind-the-scenes magic happens and your site will be displayed.
Tip: Only use a TOP LEVEL domain registrar when registering your domain names. Do not use a middle-man type of company.
Now For A Little History on THE DOMAIN NAME:
- 1985: “On March 15, 1985, Symbolics Inc., a computer manufacturer in Massachusetts, registered the domain name Symbolics.com, making it the first appropriately registered .com domain in the world.”
- 1995: “Before 1995, anyone who wanted a domain name could register it free of charge.”
- 2007: “The most expensive domain ever sold was VacationRentals.com, which was scooped up for the low, low price of $35 million. What’s more interesting is that its buyer, Ben Sharples, purchased the site primarily to keep it out of the hands of its competitor, Expedia.”
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