THIS guy! This Guy Is Why Your Web Site Needs A Security Plan
This guy is sitting in a dark room somewhere, or in a coffee shop right in front of you, and he’s up to no good! He’s either actively trying to hack into your web site or he’s writing code and creating a “bot” that will do it automatically….. constantly, at warp speed. Why does “he” do this? … to find passwords; to find credit card information; for the challenge of it; and often for no reason at all except to cause mischief. And boy, does he ever!
How do you protect yourself from this guy and other hackers like him? You put a security plan in place on your web site AND all the passwords and online accounts in your life.
It’s a constant battle to keep hackers at bay and a task you cannot take lightly if you have a web site online. There are many things that can be done to help keep hackers out of your web site – things that must be continually monitored, updated and improved upon. From usernames, visibility, passwords, plugins and updates to IP blocking, scanning, coding, backups and more, your site needs a security plan and it must be updated and monitored on a regular basis. Please contact me today for information on how I can help you keep your site secure.
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